Package nl.knaw.dans.common.dbflib

DANS DBF Library or dans-dbf-lib is a library to read and write DBF files.


Class Summary
BooleanValue Represents a boolean value in a record.
ByteArrayValue Represents a binary value in a record.
Database Represents an xBase database.
DateValue Represents a Date value in a record.
Field Represents a field description in a table.
NumberValue Represents a number value in a record.
Record Represents a record in a table.
StringValue Represents a string value in a record (a CHARACTER or MEMO type field value).
Table Represents a single table in a xBase database.
Value Represents a value that can be stored in a record.

Enum Summary
IfNonExistent Enumerates the alternative actions to be taken if a file does not exist.
Type Enumeration of the field types available in an xBase database.
Version Enumerates the supported table versions.

Exception Summary
CorruptedTableException Thrown to indicate that a table did not comply with the supported versions of the DBF file format.
DataMismatchException Thrown to indicate that the data provided cannot be written to the database.
DbfLibException Base class for all DANS DBF Library expections.
InvalidFieldLengthException Thrown when trying to add a Field with and invalid length to a Table.
InvalidFieldTypeException Thrown when trying to add a Field to a Table when it is not supported by the Version specified.
RecordTooLargeException Thrown when trying to add a record with more fields than are defined in the table file.
ValueTooLargeException Thrown when trying to add a record that contains values that are too large for their designated fields.

Package nl.knaw.dans.common.dbflib Description

DANS DBF Library or dans-dbf-lib is a library to read and write DBF files. DBF is the main format of xBase (or dBase) databases.

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