Uses of Class

Uses of DbfLibException in nl.knaw.dans.common.dbflib

Subclasses of DbfLibException in nl.knaw.dans.common.dbflib
 class CorruptedTableException
          Thrown to indicate that a table did not comply with the supported versions of the DBF file format.
 class DataMismatchException
          Thrown to indicate that the data provided cannot be written to the database.
 class InvalidFieldLengthException
          Thrown when trying to add a Field with and invalid length to a Table.
 class InvalidFieldTypeException
          Thrown when trying to add a Field to a Table when it is not supported by the Version specified.
 class RecordTooLargeException
          Thrown when trying to add a record with more fields than are defined in the table file.
 class ValueTooLargeException
          Thrown when trying to add a record that contains values that are too large for their designated fields.

Methods in nl.knaw.dans.common.dbflib that throw DbfLibException
 void Table.addRecord(Object... fieldValues)
          Constructs and adds a record.
 void Table.addRecord(Record record)
          Adds a record to this table.
 byte[] Record.getRawValue(Field field)
          Returns the raw field value.
 void Table.pack()
          Physically remove the records currently flagged as "deleted".
 void Table.updateRecordAt(int index, Record record)

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